Milan Ghimire Blog

Constraint Layout

Constraints Layout Makesure you have added the dependency of Constraint layout. implementation 'androidx.constraintlayout:constraintlayout:1.1.3' The below are the capability or features of the ...

Android Activity Lifecycle

Each Activity has its life cycle. We generally use AppCompactActivitY() with is child class of Activity() I won’t talk about the lifecycle. This image explains all.

Tabs with fragments

Creating Tabs Steps: Create .XML file for each Fragments Create Class and inherit Fragment(). Inside that class inflate the .XML file to each Fragments Now, you need to create an Adapter and...

Important Android Studio Shortcuts You Need the Most

Navigation Shortcuts • Go to class : CTRL + N • Go to file : CTRL + SHIFT + N • Navigate open tabs : ALT + Left-Arrow; ALT + Right-Arrow • Lookup recent files : CTRL + E • Go to line : CTRL + ...

Auto Rotates Images Picasso

Today I found one problem in Picasso. Which is if the EXIF data is greater than 3264 x 2448 is found the picasso automatically rotates the Image 90 degree anticlockwise. So I used the library name...